The 2021 Texas State Button Society Virtual Spring Show was hosted by Brazos Button Club (Waco) on March 6th. The Brazos Button Club challenged themselves to put on a wonderful show on Zoom because of continuing COVID concerns.
Thanks to all TSBS members for your efforts to not only just survive, but even thrive despite one too many unpredictable disasters. Arm in arm, joined by buttons, we can manage any challenge together.

Thank you, Cynthia for sharing so many sweet memories through your program “50 Years in 50 Minutes with 50 Buttons“. Through our society’s 50 years, the TSBS pioneers and several generations of members have developed such a wonderful society created with the goal to organize and promote the learning and friendship we share through taking joy in buttons. In 2021, as we celebrate our 50th anniversary, we especially remember those past who have given us so much.

While still recovering from one of the worst winter storms in Texas history, many of us worried about how it might affect our native wildflowers. Joy’s program “Flowers on Buttons” was so beautiful and reassuring. Contemplating so many beautiful flowers as depicted on buttons made us appreciate natural beauty, as well as our own resilient nature. While waiting for our beautiful Texas spring to return, find some flowers on buttons to enjoy as well – they are always blooming.

Texas State Button Society offers many thanks to Mary Todd for her dedication leading our society through the past four years (TSBS president 2017-2021). Mary perfectly demonstrates the strengths of our society, in that we value the art and history of buttons, and value yet more the friendships inspired by buttons.
Dorothy Hinds from Brazos Button Club was elected as the new president to continue lead our wonderful organization.

A picture button depicting “Saint Cecilia at the Organ” was presented to Mary, as emblematic of Mary’s calming and steady leadership. The rest of us Texas “Buttoneers” enjoyed to sing an accompaniment.

This beautiful polyester button with central millifiori canes expresses our thanks to Sadie. Texas button friends appreciate her 8 years of dedicated service as our society treasurer, as well as in many other positions.

A vintage Elsa Shiaparelli button depicting the Eiffel Tower. It is one of a 5-button set of “Famous Landmarks of Paris.” This special button was presented to Sadie by the Big “D” Button Club in appreication of her work as a founding member, wonderful mentor, and caring club president.
What a creative way to play button BINGO!
Thank you, Brazos Button Club and Kathy
for planning the fun BINGO game
BINGO CARD and Instructions:
1. Print the card that is attached. You may also draw boxes and label it like the card shows instead of printing it.
2. The caller will use the Blue Book to name buttons for the game.
3. We are using the Honor System as only you can see your card. The Brazos Club is providing some great prizes.
4. Choose 30 buttons from your own collection and keep them nearby.
-Select at least one button from each material and pictorial section of the Blue Book. Use the “other material” list, too.
-Select one or more of the shapes: contour, realistic, linear. Pick one studio button.
-Select buttons with back marks, a variety of back types, decorative finishes and working methods.
-Try to make each button work for several categories.
Example: A painted ceramic button with a dog made by a studio artist, will count for ceramic, studio, mammal (dog), decorative finish (paint). If a button can be used in two ways, the player picks one. For example, if the caller calls a geometric shape like square, and your celluloid button is square, it stays where you put it.
5. Keep your Bluebook handy for the game. The caller will read from it. The caller is not trying to trip you up with hard-to-find categories, but will stay with the more general parts from the classifications. Example: I.0 Celluloid but not I-1.4.2 Celluloid Extruded
6. This Bingo Game is designed to have you looking through your button collection and learning from each other as we play. Continue until someone has five squares with buttons in any direction.
7. When you ‘bingo’ be sure to tell the host your name and address, so your prize can be mailed to you.