President: Debbie Rodriguez
Vice President: Dorothy Hinds
Secretary: Cristy Bennett
Treasurer: Kathie White
Membership Chair: Carol Solomon
Judges Chair & Parliamentarian : Herman Bangeman
Awards Chair: Karen Perry
Newsletter Editors: Judye Stewart, Kathy Hurst
Webmasters: Weiling Mendenhall, Pam Luke (support)
Finance Committee Chair: Barbara Hefner
Media, Promotion, & Publicity: Janice Canard
Juniors Chair: Kathy Hurst
Texas local clubs, presidents / contacts and club meeting information
Alamo City Button Club (San Antonio, TX): Jackie Sears
Austin Button Club (Austin, TX): Grace Folsom, club meets from 10:30 AM – 2 PM on the 3rd Friday every month.
Big “D” Button Club (Dallas, TX): Barbara Boykin, club meets at 10 AM on the 3rd Tuesday every month.
Bluebonnet Button Club (Burnet, TX): Barbara Hefner, club meets at 10:30 AM on the 1st Wednesday every month at the AgriLife Building in Burnet.
Brazos Button Club – Waco (Waco, TX): Cristy Bennett, Club meets at 10 AM on the 1st Saturday of the month except Dec, in Bellmead (Waco). Brazos Button Club Website
Fort Worth Button Club (Fort Worth, TX): Janice Canard, club meets at 10 AM on the 2nd Friday of the month from Sept – Nov and Jan – May. Fort Worth Button Club Website
Red River Valley Button Club (Whitewright, TX): Sue Brinkley, club meets at 11:30 AM on the 1st Tuesday every month in Whitewright.
Space City Button Club (Houston, TX): Jamie Wolfe, Herman Bangeman, club meets at 10 AM on the 3rd Saturday every month in League City.
If your club presidents or contacts has changed, please send the new information to TSBS Newsletter editor & Webmaster.
Contact TSBS President
Contact TSBS Webmaster